About us

We eat. At least three times a day. But where does our food come from? What's the connection between our full plates and the environment, the climate and regional development? And the question of taste is not to be overlooked: do we still have taste?

by raising awareness, providing training and encouraging active exchanges between the various players involved in food production, including producers, restaurateurs, retailers and consumers themselves. Our overarching aim is to (re)discover food with all our senses through interactive learning units, workshops and individual activities, to encourage pleasure and curiosity about food and to create an awareness of a sustainable food culture.

The foundations of the École du Goût

The story of the École du Goût began in 2007 with Luc Jacobs, a former agricultural adviser to the Nature Park Our, who set himself the goal of awakening children's sense of taste from an early age.

- very much along the lines of the "Classes du Goût" developed by Jacques Puisais in France. In collaboration with the Institut du Goût in Paris, specific learning units have been developed over the years, based on the multi-disciplinary research and scientifically proven methods of "educating children to taste" (https://www.institutdugout.fr/). These learning units have been successfully offered in maisons relais and schools and have become the scientific basis of the École du Goût


Our pedagogical approach places the individual at the centre of the process. The aim of our tastings is to give everyone the opportunity to

to get to know themselves better and to be able to position themselves within their social environment in a context of mutual respect for different choices. There are many benefits to be gained from this methodology: an enriched sensory vocabulary, increased self-confidence and expressiveness, a reduction in neophobia about food and the development of new knowledge about food, the environment and oneself as an autonomous individual

And why "Schmaachschoul fir Lëtzebuerg" ?

Applying the pedagogy of the French "Classes du Goût" (Taste classes) to Luxembourg, and raising children's awareness of taste and healthy eating from an early age, has proved a great success. But it also proved that

Luxembourg has a very own food culture and different values when it comes to crafts and food production. Over the years, the educational programme has therefore been adapted to Luxembourg's food culture, local traditions and crafts have been incorporated, and collaboration with local players in the food chain has been strengthened, developing into a very unique "Schmaachschoul fir Letzebuerg". Since 2018, the focus has also been on themes such as regionality and sustainability to complement the project in its entirety.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Luc Jacobs, without whom the École du Goût would not exist today. Thank you Luc!