Readings from the book ‘D'Rommel Bommel an hir Frënn’ for Cycle 1 from Strassen

In mid-April, schoolchildren from Cycle 1 at Hueflach School in Strassen had the chance to take part in two super-cool activities centred around the book ‘D'Rommel Bommel an hir Frënn’, with the fantastic support of Asbl ‘Freed um Liesen’. The first event was all about a real taste experience with beetroot. The children were told the exciting story of a special beetroot and learnt about the vegetable in all its facets and the world of vegetables in general. They discovered how colourful beetroot can be and how many delicious things you can conjure up from it. Of course, there were also plenty of tasty treats to try! The second workshop centred around the story of Monsieur Petit Pois, a little pea seed who feels very small and alone until he grows up and starts a family. The children were shown the miracle of plant growth and were allowed to become active gardeners themselves. At the end, they all proudly went home with their own self-planted pea.